Labels:bulletin board | daily | door | person | shelf | sky OCR: Ultra Disk Spltter/M erger v1.1 This version Public Domain. Written by Jim Wolff in Consulair's Mac C Dedica ated to MacVille BBS Ann MacT echnics and The Memory Manager 1986 Apolluonics Software Development Inc splitter. /merger is a that splits a disk into several data files that be sent over the phone and then back into The result of this perfect sector copy of the (which means every block of the dis including the tag bytes are represented the way the are on the original disk) NOTE THAT IONLY SUPPORT THE NEWEST MACINTOSH'S AND NOT THE PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T UPGRADE THEIR MAC'SE BY NOW Uitra Wo1ff Dedicated Arbor Bplitter prgram dist incl iginal